Coin photography project completed

coin photography before after

Eighteen months ago I started a project to re-photograph all of my coins using new techniques I have developed over the years. Actually, I started about a year before that, but in January 2014 I basically changed everything again, and re-did it all from scratch.

The new images are better lit, and highlight all the engraving details. In particular, highly-reflective coins now look much more realistic, instead of dark (almost black in some cases). This can be seen in the before and after images above. Also, the colour is now more realistic.

Overall, I estimate the entire project of re-photographing, uploading, and checking/correcting the details for approximately 820 coins took about 136 hours to complete. In that process, lots of errors were corrected and lots of missing information was added. During this same period, I added over 220 new coins to the site which tend to take a little more time due to the research involved.

So there you have it! Please enjoy browsing my Coin Zoo, and if you spot any errors in my presentation please contact me and let me know.

- Daniel