South Africa 5-RAND (KM492)

Black Wildebeast

The Black Wildebeast (aka Gnu) appeared on South Africa's first 5-rand coin in 1994 (KM140), and appeared with five different obverse designs since then (KM166, KM229, KM230 with Nelson Mandela, KM274, and KM337).

In 2004, the Wildebeast moved to this new bi-metallic coin. Each year, the obverse design changes (most years have the wildebeast reverse). This is done to rotate among the countries 11 official languages (typically two per coin).

25.9 mm
Brass in Copper-Nickel ring
Catalogue #
Obverse Legend
South Africa · 2006 · Aforika Borwa
Reverse Legend
Edge Legend
SARB R5 (repeating)

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